Download Vivaldi

Find in Page

With Vivaldi you can easily search for a term you are looking for in the page you are viewing.

  1. Find in Page - 1st Step

    Press Ctrl+F and after that a search bar will appear.

  2. Find in Page - 2nd Step

    Type the search word or phrase to find in a page. Matching results will become highlighted.

  1. Efficiency

    1. Speed Dial
    2. Notes
    3. Quick Commands
    4. Tab Stacking
    5. Tab Tiling
    6. Panels
    7. Reader View
  2. Navigation

    1. Mouse Gestures
    2. Visual Tabs
    3. Rewind
    4. Fast Forward
    5. Trash
    6. Bookmark Nicknames
    7. Tab Cycling
  3. Search

    1. Custom Search
    2. Search Field
    3. Find in Page
  4. Customization

    1. Speed Dial Groups
    2. Speed Dial Background
    3. User Interface Scale
    4. Interface Color
    5. Shortcuts
  5. Security & Privacy

    1. Clear Private Data
    2. Fraud Protection
    3. Do Not Track